She is too cute in this hat!!!

On the Ranger with Daddy...

Grace driving...
Brad, Rachael, Grace, and Carter
1. I think my poodle Taylor can understand everything that I say. I really think she may be human. I think she is the cutest thing I have ever seen next to Grace. She is one of my very best friends and most people don't like her because as Brad says, "she has issues". I am the only one that thinks her breathe doesn't smell that bad...ha ha! I guess it's like your children's poop and vomit...it just doesn't bother you that much.
2. My house is always in order. There are never dishes in the sink. I always put them in the dishwasher, and I wash the dishes in there even if it isn't full every single night. Very seldom do I go to bed with dirty cloths in the hamper. I wash every day to make sure of this. Long story short...every room in the house is in order before I go to bed so I can start the next day fresh. Yep...I am crazy!!!!
3. I am EXTREMELY shy. People who really know me can't believe this is true, but it is. I don't do well around new people and have a hard time saying much of anything in new situation. People probably think I am a snob, but it is really that I am so shy.