Thursday, September 18, 2008

School and Some Updates

There has been a lot going on lately, so first I will update ya'll on Grace going to school at First Pres. in Greenwood. Things have been going great and Grace absolutely loves school. Here are two pictures of her this morning with her new Elmo backpack we got her for school...she even wears it like a big girl!
Mrs. Caroline says that she has no problems out of Grace and that she is the little mama of the class. So, school has been a wonderful addition to Grace's life and she is learning to play with other children and to share.
In other news ya'll keep us in your thoughts and prayers because I have gone into premature labor for some unknown reason. We had to rush to Jackson this week due to contractions and some other issues, and so far Carter in still inside me where I hope to keep him until at least 36 weeks...don't know if I can, but that is my goal. Dr. Meck has put me on some medication to try to stop my labor and I pray that it works because as of right now Carter is only 2 pounds and 3 ounces. I can't really do much of anything now which is going to be really hard for me, but whatever it takes I guess. So, I will keep everyone updated on the pregnancy. For some reason it seems like nothing has gone smoothly with this pregnancy and I am trying not to get too discouraged, but it is really starting to get difficult. So, ya'll keep us in your prayers. The nursery is comming along and I will post some pictures soon.


DK Baria said...

you know i am ready to keep grace any time i am needed. dk

Kathryn said...

Praying for little Carter and the family. Take care of yourself. Ann had her baby today. Ava Claire - 6 lbs. 7 oz.