Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of School

Today was Grace's first day of school. She started in a 1 year old class that meets two days a week for three hours. I can usually tell how a day is going to go by the way Grace wakes up in the mornings. Here she is this morning:
As you can see she was in a great mood. I was thinking that it would change really quick the second we arrived at school...but anyway.... We got up really early, ate a good breakfast, and got dressed. She helped pick out her outfit, and I must say I think she picked a cute one for the first day.
Long story short... Brad and I both walked in her class with her and stayed for about ten min. That is all it took. She started playing with the other kids and we told her we were about to leave thinking that the screaming and tears would start, but instead she waved to us and said "bye bye". Brad and I were in shock because when we leave her at the church nursery we get worried they will hear her screaming in the sanctuary. So, with Brad and I both wiping away our tears, we left. When we picked her up Mrs. Caroline said that she was a wonderful angel and didn't cry one single time. She said that Grace was a little mama to all the kids...patting their backs and making sure they had juice. I am so glad this was such a great day for her. It sure makes me feel better knowing I am dropping her off somewhere that she enjoys. Brad and I are both sad though because this was just one of the big "first times" she will be having in her life. She is growing up too fast. Next thing I know she will be getting her drivers license. Oh yeah, one more thing, she will tell you who was in her class (the kids names that she can say) and you'll never guess who was there with Gram, Lilly, and Sarah... Buddy and Beagle Bill!

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