Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Camera

Along with a new baby I also got a new camera...a Cannon Rebel. I love it, and now I am going to go picture crazy!!! Here are some of the pictures I have taken...
My sweet baby boy
Grace patting Carter to sleep
The look on Grace's face when asked if she loves her brother
Sleeping Carter
Well, better run because Brad is telling me to go take a nap. Since I got my new camera I have been getting in trouble for being on the computer messing with pictures instead of sleeping when the baby sleeps. Whoops!!!


The Rives said...

I am so happy to see little Carter and to hear that everything went so well. He is absolutely precious and looks just like you!! I'm sure it is so much fun to watch Grace being a big sister. Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

HollyBerry said...

I got a Canon Rebel when JoAnna was born, too! I love it! It's just sickening how many pictures I have...I'm hooked! Carter is adorable! And, Grace, too as always..