Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some New Stuff

So, here are a couple new things going on in our house.....
She dumps all of her blocks out of her dump truck and then cries until I put her in it and pull her all over the house. Sounds fun...right? I learned a valuable mom lesson with the dump truck-Don't ever let your child do something once thinking that they will not want to do it again or don't ever assume they will forget...they forget nothing. Anyway, now I am pulling my child all over this big empty house in her dump truck. Poor Mae Mae is having to take extra medicine for her back because now she is pulling her all over the house. Grace grabs a couple of her favorite buddys and then we are off. Okay...moving right along to this: Temper Tantrums
We are beginning to have melt downs. She wants what she wants when she wants it, and if things don't go exactly as planned we throw a fit. Sometimes they are so funny that I have to turn my head to laugh. The best ones are when she turns her back to me and bends over with her hands on the ground and then toots because she is so mad. Those are the best!!! Finally....looking out the window:
Grace loves to stare out the window and bark like a dog. I can actually empty the dishwasher and fold a load of cloths while she stares out the window barking like a dog. The outside dogs will come up to the window where she is and just sit wondering exactly what is this little thing. So, these are the extremely excited events happening in our house right now. It must be nice to be a little person...they have not a worry in the world. We could all learn a lot from kids!! :)

1 comment:

DK Baria said...

love the pigtails! dk, aka, kakki