Sunday, June 14, 2009

6 1/2 Months

Carter is now 6 1/2 months old and he is doing better than ever. Brad took him to the doctor in Memphis last week and he got a good report. His head is measuring a bit better, so let's all pray it keeps growing. All his stitches are out and his hair is finally starting to fill in where they had to shave his head. His favorite thing to do right now is to bounce in his bouncer. He never gets tired of it and he actually will get air born. He and Grace are getting along better too. She hasn't tried to kill in in about a month now. He is eating some baby food now which he absolutely loves. Just when I think he can't get any bigger he gains another pound. Anyway, just wanted to fill everyone in on my sweet "big juicy" boy!!!!!
Doesn't he look like me!?! LOL!

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