Friday, August 1, 2008

A Fun Playdate

William Henson was in Inverness for a week and he and Grace had a fun playdate. For those of you that don't know, William is Laura Baria Henson's son. Laura and I were best friends growing up. Anyway, Grace was pushing William around in this tricycle thing and he was doing the stearing....which I will say he did a great job because he didn't break anything and Grace was going pretty fast. While they were doing this I couldn't help but think about the time Laura was pulling me on rollerblades behind a was a real genius plan....a bike, me on rollerblades, and a rope that had me tied to the bike. Well, the only difference between our kids playing their game and Laura and I playing ours was that William didn't get flung into the bayou. I will never forget that...Laura flying around on that bike and me going straight into the bayou. So, here are some pics of the kids playing their version of our game...but notice William isn't wet! Ha!
Here are some other cute pics of Grace giving William two handers (hugs) and some sugar...well actually she gave him lots of sugar!!!
And here they are doing some hand holding...
They had a blast and I know Grace will be excited the next time he comes for a visit.

1 comment:

The Hensons said...

glad they had fun....why is my child walking around in his swimming suit??