Two nights ago I was brave enough to change Grace's bed from a crib to her big girl bed. Once Brad finally got finished I started crying. He asked what was wrong and I told him that I am crying out of sadness and fear. I was so sad that our little miss muss-a-fuss was getting so big and crying out of fear of what the nights would entail for me. Anyway, this is a picture of her...she would fall out of her bed and never wake up. We would find her in different positions and in this one she is holding her stuffed animal. We thought it was so cute. She has really done great with this transition, although she isn't sleeping as good as she was when she was in her crib. This morning at 4:45 she was saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" and I would go in there to make sure she was okay and then she would point and say, "book, book, book". Gran got her a little flashlight to keep in her bed with her in case she gets scared. I will walk by her room to sneak a peak and she will be playing with her flashlight and reading a book. It's too cute, but my mornings have been starting a lot earlier and anyone who knows me knows I need my sleep. I am hoping this problem will work itself out. My little baby is getting too big too quick. :(