Sunday, February 3, 2008

The First Blog

this picture is where i truely believe that my life and brad's life really began. we sat in that hospital room waiting on grace to arrive not exactly knowing how our lives would change. don't get me wrong...before grace was born our life still had meaning, but when she made her glorious appearing our life really began.
this picture is one of the latest pictures of grace...isn't she cute??!!! when she was born she had a head full of hair that stuck out in all directions. she literally looked like she was born with a wig on. anyway, i love this picture because her hair is wild just like it was the day she was born. okay, i guess i will update ya'll on what is going on in our house. right now grace is into books, books, books. i mean this child loves books. when you enter her room you can't even see the carpet for books covering the floor.
my mom recently bought her some weesqueaks (for those of you that don't know they are just shoes that squeak when she walks). well, right now we are learning how to put them on. once they are one she jumps up and down over and over again laughing at them squeaking.
she is just now getting into "real food". after two choking incidents with cherios at five months and then not getting her first two teeth until 13 months, her "crazy" mom has held her back until now. at 13 months i packed up all the bottles and made myself a promise that no matter what i wouldn't get them back out and i would try the baby whisperer's advice on cutting out bottles and getting her to sleep through the night. well, i did it...after many many questions to laura who has helped me out so much with this "mom thing"!!! grace's favorite food at the moment is the gerber graduate's ravioli meal.

i just wanted to catch everyone up on what is going on at our house. i feel so silly typing such simple things, but as all mom's know...anything that your child does/loves is the most wonderful thing in the world. plus, i read all your blogs so maybe i can get a few of you interested in what is going on in my life. oh yeah...brad is getting everything ready on the farm for yet another farm year. i have managed to do my first round of w-2s and 1099s (with gale's help). i hope that my posts will get better with time...hang in there with me.


The Hensons said...

looks great! can't wait to read more!

DK Baria said...

you hve arrived! keep it going. dk, aka, kakki

Anonymous said...

she is really adorable!